Saturday, July 24, 2010

How to dress for your shoot {liberty county family photographers}

How to dress your family for a photoshoot tid bits..

Coordinate outfits. Everybody in the portrait should wear items that complement each other in style and color. It is not necessary for all clothes to match, but they must make sense together. If grandpa wears a suit and tie and grandma wears shorts and a t-shirt, the portrait may look unbalanced and poorly planned.


Stick to solids and subtle patterns. Bold stripes, large designs and polka dots stand out and tend to draw attention from the portrait's subject. An eclectic mix of patterns can clash and reduce the quality of a portrait.


Wear colors that translate well through photography. Dark colors like navy blue, black and earth tones look especially nice outdoors. White clothing can get lost against a white background, and dark clothing against a pastel provides nice contrast. Bright shades of yellow, orange and pink can alter skin tones and are not ideal for photographs.


Women should keep jewelry to a minimum and wear natural-looking makeup. You may want to wear slightly more lipstick or blush than usual so it shows up in the picture. Take some spare makeup with you and ask the photographer whether you need adjustments.
Large, baggy clothing make people look larger in photographs. Wear clothes that fit properly. In addition, skimpy or revealing clothes are inappropriate dress for a family portrait.


Men should shave before the portrait and trim moustaches or beards. Get a haircut at least two weeks before the portrait. If you get a bad cut, a couple of weeks will allow your hair to recover.

Newborns and babies look best in thier birthday suit.. but if you would like for your baby to be covered we suggest you use plain clothing without polka dots, busy patterns and plaids.or even a diaper cover.


I tend to like bright colors on little girls, and i like seing little boys in nice plain colored dress shirts and kahkis.usualy colors that accent the eyes. 

#9 please feel free to bring outfit changes, just remember that we are on a time schedule, so please be quick about it.

these are the main things i consider when doing a shoot ..  SOME of this information came from here > i do believe in giving credit where credit is due...
  • Large, baggy clothing make people look larger in photographs. Wear clothes that fit properly. In addition, skimpy or revealing clothes are inappropriate dress for a family portrait.
  • Men should shave before the portrait and trim moustaches or beards. Get a haircut at least two weeks before the portrait. If you get a bad cut, a couple of weeks will allow your hair to recover.
  • remember this cutie pie?? {coastal ga baby photographer}

    OK we all remember this precious little one right???
     7 day old bundle of pure sweetness! well they came to see me today! its been 4 months since i saw her and i just had to get a snapshot of her!!her she is today!
    Don't you just love them cheeks!! she is just to cute!

    updates and things.. {envision images photography coastal georgia }

    hi there everyone! been a long time since i posted anything on here.. so here everything goes.. its gonna be a long one lol..
    I have had a lot of people ask why i closed the studio, well here it goes.. i got really sick from an abscessed tooth i had neglected to get taken care of because i decided to open the studio with the money instead. so of course after neglecting to get it taken care of for months, the infection spread through my body to my stomach , kidneys , ect.. it was bad and i felt really bad to lol! So because of being sick i couldn't work, therefor no money coming in, then i used the money in the bank to get my tooth taken care of because it could have killed me if i didn't.. so i really didn't have much of a choice. however, it wasn't really that bad of a thing because i can still do it here out of the house, as long as i can do what i love i will do it anywhere i don't need a fancy studio to be me. and we all know I'm nothing fancy lol .. it was something i will never forget, i am still very proud of myself for achieving that. but i have to take care of me first. ok.... now on to new or matters that is .. still the same subject!
    WEDDINGS AND EVENTS.... no more weddings or events for me :)  i have just decided its not my thing... sorry.. but don't worry Sarah i am still doing yours miss mam and its gonna be awesome! :)

    ok now that that is all over with... i will be back soon to start posting informational tid bits about getting family pictures and how to take better pictures of your own ect... until then.. happy shooting!
    and of course i am going to add a picture or two!! cant leave without something adorable to look at!

    Thursday, June 3, 2010

    Envision images photography holding a charity for hinesville liberty humane shelter

    Hi everyone! Well a whole lot of people have asked us if we photograph pets... well after pondering and lots of talk we have decided to have the month of june as (pet appreciation month)
    so this is how it goes... when you book a pet shoot in the month of june, we will be giving a portion of the poceeds to the liberty humane society to help care for all of these animals without homes! so not only do you get the benefit of having pictures of your furry family member, you get to know that you helped a poor animal in need! we hope to have a great turn out on this ! there are lots of animals there that can use our help! please contact me if your interested! 912-224-0672 or email
    thank you so much! sheila

    Wednesday, May 26, 2010

    Two week special ( photography hinesville and midway ga ) Envision images studio

    We are holding a special right now! A 30 minute mini shoot for only $49.95 includes one 8x10, 16 wallets, two 5x7's, and four 4x6's of your favorite pose! Book your appointment soon cause these openings will fill up fast! We are only holding this special for two weeks so act now! contact sheila for more details or to book your appointment! 912-224-0672

    Friday, May 21, 2010

    American Beauty { liberty county photographers studio in midway ga}

    i had the pleasure of working with mrs L this past week, she just reminded me of an everyday american beauty! she worked it so well in front of the camera! i will be adding more pictures and blogs here in the next few days.. this was our first shoot in our new studio!!! well , why prolong it? lol here they are!

    Tuesday, May 18, 2010

    Midway ga photography studio (portraits by envision Images )

    We are glad to announce that our grand opening went awesome! as soon as all of my photographer friends give me some pictures i will be adding them.. i am looking forward to working with lots of new clients! and definantly looking forward to working with the clients i already have! i just wanted to update everyone about the studio , we are now located at 150 butler ave. in midway ga in the midway mall ... hope to see everyone there!
    please visit our website at

    Saturday, May 1, 2010

    pure sweetness!( maternity and children photographer midway georgia )

    I had the chance to work with a lovely family today! it was sad though because the father is deployed to afganistan right now and wont be here for the birth of his little boy. however the mommy was just glowing! and so was her little boy!  so here is a sneak peek of what we did today!
    doesnt she look amazing!
    and it was so captivating how sweet her son was! he would play with her belly! and he even rubs her sore swollen feet! he is just a sweetheart!!!
    and last but definantly not least this is definantly one of my favorites!!!
    until next time!!!

    Envision Images photography portrait studio grand opening liberty county ga

    We are excited to announce That we have a studio!!! we will be located at 150 butler st. midway ga unit B at the midway mall! i am so excited to be opening a studio! our grand opening will be on may 15th from noon to 7 pm any and everyone is invited!! there will be a drawing to win a free photo shoot and anyone who books an appointment with us at the grand opening will receive 20% off their shoot! hope to see lots of you out there!!!
    to check out our website please visit

     and because every post deserves a photo.. here are my little girls!

    Thursday, April 22, 2010

    changes... (midway ga photographer)

    ok yall... i have some changes going on that i wanted to update everyone with, first of all its that time... for me to clean out my computer so if you need a cd then please get with me cause i will be deleting my memory off my computer in the next week. those of you who just had a shoot and haven't received your cd yet... don't worry i wont delete yours . this is just something i have to do in order to keep my computer running effectively.. ... also i wanted to give you a hint to a little secret.... we might be moving on up .. dont get excited yet nothing is for sure yet.... thats why im not spilling all the beans.. just a little  ok well thats all for now! heres a pic cause it would be wrong of me to post without a pic! arent they adorable!

    Friday, April 16, 2010

    beautiful newborn ( newborn baby photographers hinesville ga)

    meet little miss 7 day old  tiny little ball of perfection! she has to be the tiniest baby i have ever photographed... i had so much fun with her! thier family is just so cute! she was so wide awake when she got her it took some coaxing on mom and dads behalf to get her to go to sleep.and then she would pee and we would have to move her and wake her up again! lol she was the first baby to deliver me a poop on the props! lol shes so perfect her poop dont even stink! we took the blanket off and where about to take pictures and we got a little suprise! lol i truely had so much fun with her! and i hope i get to watch her grow!!

    For timeless photography of your newborn or baby please view our website or give us a call at 912-224-0672 thanks!

    Wednesday, April 7, 2010

    2 week old precious baby boy { hinesville georgia ga newborn baby photographers}

    ok this baby was soooo cute! i think the cutest part was when i tryed on several occasions to take his binky out of his mouth .. boy i tell you he had a firm grip on that thing!!! he wasnt giving it up for love or money!
    so here is a before and after he finaly decided to give it to me! isnt he a doll! here are some more from out shoot...

    dont forget to check out our website! these newborn days are so special dont forget them!!!

    Saturday, April 3, 2010

    Mr adorable! { envision images newborn baby photographer hinesville ga}

    isnt he just adorable!! this had to be one of the most cooperative 3 month olds ever! we got all set up to go and then he fell asleep, so then we had to change things back up so we could go ahead with his sleeping shots..then he we did his awake shots.. wasnt long before he was back asleep lol i thoroughly enjoyed this shoot!

    Monday, March 29, 2010

    website ( sheila Fisher photographer hinesville , midway, savannah georgia

    hey yall!!! well my website has been acting cooky on me! so please dont mind all the craziness on my website right now! i have to take all the photos and downsize them and put them back up! this is going to be a task!
    and becouse it would be horrible for me to post without a picture....
    till next post!

    Monday, March 22, 2010

    Cutie pie! { hinesville ,richmondhill, and midway ga photographer newborn baby photography}

    jennas step mom brought colby back to see me! hes just to cute! he was smiling and cooing at me the whole time! he is 3 months old now!  who can resist this adorable face!!! i tryed to get a good shot with one of my new hats but he wasnt likeing the hat to much .. i was hoping to get a better pic with the hat i guess i will just have to try again next time!
    check out our website at

    Saturday, March 20, 2010

    i have waited so long for this! sheila fisher envision images midway ga photographer

    after all these years of searching for my sister i finally got to meet her yesterday! it was sooo cool! she looks more like our dad than jjay and i do!  when your growing up as the only little girl you always want a sister.. it took a long time but i finally have her! enjoy this picture its very rare youll find me on this side of the camera!!! lol
    jjay ... me... jessi

    Thursday, March 18, 2010

    some of my new props are in!!!! {midway ga photography photographer}

    oh my i am in love with these hats! they are amazing these hats are the ones i ordered from nannas knotty creations!
    i have to wait a little longer for the elf caps couse she has to make them first! i cant wait to get them in!

    and here are some other ones that i ordered from a boutique
    the headbands can fit 0-8 years the chocolate hat is infant sized and the black hat is for older girls! yall need to bring them babies in so they can model my new props!!!!

    Wednesday, March 17, 2010

    i have went hat crazy! {newborn and baby photography savannah georgia and hinesville ga}

    ok so i found someone who makes all the most awesomest hats! she even specially made one she did even know how to make just for me! actually i started out to buy two of her hats, well two turned into 4 and now i am on 6! im so excited to use her hats!!! so everyone with newborns need to get their butts up here and let me doll up your babys with these adorable hats! here is her business where you can view all the adorable hats i ordered or order some of your own!!!!!NanasKnottyCreations
    i ordered the pink and brow with the flower
    two teddy bear hats
    a green blue and white hat

    and my specialy made pink and blue elf stocking caps!!!!!!


    memorial dvds { envision images photography sheila fisher hinesville ga photographer}

    today is a sad day , a dear friend of mine asked me to make a memorial dvd of her grandfather who passed away yesterday. i feel so honored that they trust me with their memories, but i feel so much sorrow for the family, you can tell how much they love him.  i showed the family the video and they laughed and cried and i cant lie i did to! i guess i just want to say thank you for choosing me to do this for yall, i feel like god gave me this gift for a reason and that is to help people cherish the memories forever.  until next blog!

    oh yeah happy st patties day!


    Tuesday, March 16, 2010

    sleepy 6 month old baby girl ( hinesville georgia photographer midway ga photography

      oh boy! being this cute must be hard ! by the time we were done she was out cold! so we got some more! i have never been able to capture a sleeping 6 month old she cought me by suprise when she let me do it! arent these baby blues to die for!

    Monday, March 15, 2010

    midway georgia photographer hinesville maternity photography

    well miss t came to see me a couple of days ago! she has such a cute belly but i could hardly beleive that she was only 28 weeks pregnant i do beleive this is going to be one healthy baby boy!
    your pregnancy is such a special time to have your photograph taken... to book an appointment or to view our portfolio please visit our website at 

    Thursday, March 11, 2010

    newborn and baby photography hinesville georgia

    well well well, all i can say about this cutie is ADORABLE!!!!  i had so much fun with miss K she was nothing but giggles and grins! cant wait to watch her grow up!

    (these moments in your childrens life are so important... they grow up so quick and i cannot stress enough how important it is to have memories of this stage in your childs life. we cant go back to when they were little but we sure can remember with timeless photographs!) to visit our website or to book an appointment please go to www.myenvisionimages.comOUR WEBSITE thanks for looking!


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