Saturday, July 24, 2010

updates and things.. {envision images photography coastal georgia }

hi there everyone! been a long time since i posted anything on here.. so here everything goes.. its gonna be a long one lol..
I have had a lot of people ask why i closed the studio, well here it goes.. i got really sick from an abscessed tooth i had neglected to get taken care of because i decided to open the studio with the money instead. so of course after neglecting to get it taken care of for months, the infection spread through my body to my stomach , kidneys , ect.. it was bad and i felt really bad to lol! So because of being sick i couldn't work, therefor no money coming in, then i used the money in the bank to get my tooth taken care of because it could have killed me if i didn't.. so i really didn't have much of a choice. however, it wasn't really that bad of a thing because i can still do it here out of the house, as long as i can do what i love i will do it anywhere i don't need a fancy studio to be me. and we all know I'm nothing fancy lol .. it was something i will never forget, i am still very proud of myself for achieving that. but i have to take care of me first. ok.... now on to new or matters that is .. still the same subject!
WEDDINGS AND EVENTS.... no more weddings or events for me :)  i have just decided its not my thing... sorry.. but don't worry Sarah i am still doing yours miss mam and its gonna be awesome! :)

ok now that that is all over with... i will be back soon to start posting informational tid bits about getting family pictures and how to take better pictures of your own ect... until then.. happy shooting!
and of course i am going to add a picture or two!! cant leave without something adorable to look at!


  1. Love both these photos. May I ask how you got the ethereal quality of the baby in the top photo? Was it achieved by the lens you used or is it a product of Photoshop, iPhoto, etc?
    Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  2. well the majority of it is the lens, i use this lens with all of my babies but some of it is photoshop :) i use photoshop for skin smoothing and some times eye definition.


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