Thursday, April 22, 2010

changes... (midway ga photographer)

ok yall... i have some changes going on that i wanted to update everyone with, first of all its that time... for me to clean out my computer so if you need a cd then please get with me cause i will be deleting my memory off my computer in the next week. those of you who just had a shoot and haven't received your cd yet... don't worry i wont delete yours . this is just something i have to do in order to keep my computer running effectively.. ... also i wanted to give you a hint to a little secret.... we might be moving on up .. dont get excited yet nothing is for sure yet.... thats why im not spilling all the beans.. just a little  ok well thats all for now! heres a pic cause it would be wrong of me to post without a pic! arent they adorable!

Friday, April 16, 2010

beautiful newborn ( newborn baby photographers hinesville ga)

meet little miss 7 day old  tiny little ball of perfection! she has to be the tiniest baby i have ever photographed... i had so much fun with her! thier family is just so cute! she was so wide awake when she got her it took some coaxing on mom and dads behalf to get her to go to sleep.and then she would pee and we would have to move her and wake her up again! lol she was the first baby to deliver me a poop on the props! lol shes so perfect her poop dont even stink! we took the blanket off and where about to take pictures and we got a little suprise! lol i truely had so much fun with her! and i hope i get to watch her grow!!

For timeless photography of your newborn or baby please view our website or give us a call at 912-224-0672 thanks!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

2 week old precious baby boy { hinesville georgia ga newborn baby photographers}

ok this baby was soooo cute! i think the cutest part was when i tryed on several occasions to take his binky out of his mouth .. boy i tell you he had a firm grip on that thing!!! he wasnt giving it up for love or money!
so here is a before and after he finaly decided to give it to me! isnt he a doll! here are some more from out shoot...

dont forget to check out our website! these newborn days are so special dont forget them!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Mr adorable! { envision images newborn baby photographer hinesville ga}

isnt he just adorable!! this had to be one of the most cooperative 3 month olds ever! we got all set up to go and then he fell asleep, so then we had to change things back up so we could go ahead with his sleeping shots..then he we did his awake shots.. wasnt long before he was back asleep lol i thoroughly enjoyed this shoot!

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